
(06/10/06) Geen uitstel beslissing statuut Kosova

Uitspraken van VN-bemiddelaar Ahtisaari en van Solana over mogelijk uitstel van de beslissing over het statuut van Kosova beroeren de geesten in het land. De indruk dat er wordt toegegeven aan Belgrado vermindert het Kosovaarse vetrouwen in de internationale gemeenschap. De kans bestaat dat de goede wil om een compromis te bereiken tussen de Albanese meerderheid en de Service minderheid onherstelbaar zal worden beschadigd. Er moet een signaal gegeven worden dat de beslissing geen vertraging zal oplopen.

Kosovo status

Decision on Kosovo's status must not be postponed

Following talks with decision-makers and representatives of all political groups in Kosovo,(*) held in the context of a fact-finding mission of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Angelika Beer , spokesperson for security policy of the Green/EFA group in the European Parliament, stated:

"Recent statements by UN mediator Martti Ahtisaari and Javier Solana on the possible postponement of the decision on Kosovo's future status have triggered a wave of anxiety and incomprehension in Kosovo. The statements, made in view of the constitutional referendum and upcoming elections in Serbia, create the impression that the 'contact group' is kowtowing to Belgrade's demands on limiting Kosovo's independence. This damages the trust in and reputation of the international community in Kosovo.

"This creates the danger that the willingness to compromise on the part of both the Albanian majority and the Serbian minority, which is indispensable to reach a peaceful solution, will be irreparably eroded.

"We therefore call on the 'contact group' and especially Russia not to endanger the fragile peace process with careless pronouncements and to stick to the established time schedule for the solution of the status question by the end of this year."

(*) In the context of its fact-finding mission, the delegation of NATO PA met with the UN special envoy for Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, the head of UNMIK, Joachim Rücker, the OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo, Werner Wnendt, KFOR officials, Prime Minister Agim Ceku, the Speaker of Parliament, Kolë Berisha, parliamentarians from all ethnic groups, representatives of both groups in Mitrovica and representatives of the contact group.

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.

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