(26/05/04) Europese Groenen matig enthousiast over mededeling Commissie hernieuwbare energie: 'The day after De Palacio'

De Europese Groenen zijn niet bijzonder opgetogen over de plannen van de Europese Commissie inzake hernieuwbare energie. Het plan is weinig ambitieus en bevat geen plannen die verder reiken dan 2010. "Klimaatsverandering is niet alleen iets dat je kan zien in films", laat de Groene fractie weten. Die geeft tal van concrete voorbeeld waaraan die klimaatsverandering te merken is. Hernieuwbare energie kan een flinke bijdrage leveren om die te keren. De combinatie van energiebesparing én het uitwerken van energie gebaseerd op hernieuwbare bronnen kan ervoor zorgen dat Europa voor 100% kan terugplooien op gezonde energie. Volgende week start een internationale conferentie over het thema in Bonn.

Final attempt made to undermine renewable energy
The day after De Palacio

The European Commission today adopted its first communication on the use of renewable energy sources in the European Union. Lead by its Vice-President Loyola de Palacio, the Commission failed to adopt specific commitments for the period after 2010. According to the European Greens, this is a serious blow to the necessary and feasible 100% renewable economy. It is also another obstacle in the path of tackling climate change.

Speaking after the Communication was adopted Monica Frassoni, Co-Speaker of the European Green election campaign, said:

"With 'The Day After Tomorrow' opening in cinema today, it is incredulous that we have to remind Commissioner de Palacio that climate change is not something that only happens in movies. It is a reality and the consequences are plain to see. Hundreds of people died in Haiti and the Dominican Republic in the last days due to abnormally heavy rainfall. The heat wave that hit Europe last summer killed at least 20,000 people and resulted in economic losses in excess of €8bn. There were 142 natural catastrophes recorded in the world last year – the highest number since reporting of this kind began. Renewable energy has a major part to play in the flight against climate change. But the Commissioner de Palacio seems blind to this."

Claude Turmes, Green candidate for Luxembourg, added:

"Recent studies have shown that serious energy conservation measures combined with a mix of various renewable technologies could deliver a 100% renewable economy. De Palacio misrepresents and manipulates current scientific analysis with a clear bias towards the nuclear and coal lobbies."

The Greens promised to continue campaigning for the EU to become the first 100% renewable economy. As an interim step, the Greens called upon the Irish Presidency and Member States to maintain a leadership role in this sector and to adopt a renewable target of at least 25% by 2020 during the International Conference in Bonn next week. This first step, along with energy conservation, is essential to combat future climatic catastrophes.

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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