(21/03/03) De partijleiders van de Groene Europese partijen
veroordelen de beslissing van de VS en Groot-Brittannië om, samen met Spanje, een oorlog te beginnen in Irak.
Duitsland, Frankrijk en België daarentegen krijgen een schouderklopje voor hun houding in het conflict. De
Groenen benadrukken dat hun negatief oordeel over deze oorlog niet betekent dat ze het regime van Saddam
Hoessein steunen.
Declaration of the Green Party Leaders
1. We strongly condemn the decision of President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair in
coalition with Aznar to wage war on Iraq. This act of unilateral aggression stands in opposition to the beliefs
of the overwhelming majority of UN members.
2. We welcome the massive protests of
millions of citizens in Europe and all over the world and we stress the importance for this protest to keep its
momentum. We stand united with the popular majority in the UK and in Spain as well as with the millions of US
citizens who are increasingly criticising the course of their governments. We express at the same time our
concern about anti-islamic and anti-semitic reactions that the conflict is triggering.
3. The attack on Iraq is illegal and illegitimate and represents an unprecedented backlash in multilateral
efforts of peaceful conflict resolution. Pre-emptive strikes recently included in the US National Security
Strategy infringe upon international right. This doctrine represents a serious threat to international peace and
stability and will possibly lead to further terrorism. Our principal demand remains an immediate halt to the
war, and we call on all member states of the UN to convene a special session of the General Assembly.
4. Our immediate concern is the suffering of the population in Iraq including the
international peace activists and humanitarian aid workers. We are extremely concerned about the weapons, which
might be used. We call on the warring fractions to restrain from any use of arms with indiscriminate effect on
civilians, in particular with regard to depleted uranium, the MOAB bomb, cluster bombs, anti-personal mines,
chemical and biological weapons, which also have long-lasting and irreversible effects on the environment. They
must ensure strict adherence to international law in the conduct of war. We call on the European Council to
underline that the attacking parties will be held responsible for their acts. The security and the humanitarian
needs of the Iraqi people have to be met.
5.We are concerned about the fate of the
mainly Kurdish citizens of the Northern provinces of Iraq. We call on the international Community to guanrantee
their well being and the existing autonomy. Any pressure from Turkey to weaken the autonomy of the Iraqi Kurds
must be prevented.
6. The objective of disarming Iraq which had been unanimously
agreed in Security Council resolution 1441 made considerable progress and could have been fully accomplished
through forceful continuation on the successful path of UN weapons inspections.
Our strong opposition to the war does not mean support for the Iraqi dictatorship. We reiterate our unequivocal
belief in the universal validity of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Iraqi government is to be
held responsible for its crimes under international law.
8. We are convinced that
through the continuation of the weapon inspections, combined with massive international pressure, sooner or
later a regime change would have been achieved.
9. We support the democratic forces
in Iran and the other neighbouring countries of Iraq. We see in particular the evolution of the Iranian
opposition forces as a positive development, and we are convinced that the increasing participation of the Irani
population in political and cultural life could bring about positive changes and represents a fruitful example
for a transition to democracy in the region. We call on Iran to opt for a strategy of safeguarding their
security without relying on weapons of mass destruction
10. We applaud the
governments of France, Germany and Belgium among others for their efforts of peaceful conflict resolution. We
call on all European Union and Enlargement countries to respect the rule of law in international relations as
the guiding principle of their foreign policy. We draw attention to Article 19 of the EU Treaties, which obliges
EU members of the UN Security Council to up-hold common positions in this assembly. The military attack on Iraq
is in clear contradiction to the common EU position as laid down in Council declaration of 17 February. In the
context of the Convention, Greens call for decisive steps in favour of a real Common Foreign and Security Policy
in co-decision with the European Parliament. We reiterate our demand for one seat of the European Union in the
Security Council.
11. The decision of the majority of UN members and the Security
Council to up-hold the principle of UN monopoly for the use of force has shown more than ever the importance of
this organisation. We call on all EU member states and accession countries to do all what is in their hands for
the enforcement of the conflict resolution capacities of the UN.
12. The Iraq crisis
shows ones again that there is an urgent need to change the patterns of our energy policies based on oil and
nuclear energy. The EU should take the lead in a policy oriented to diminish our dependence from oil by reducing
energy consumption and promoting renewable energies.
13. We call on the EU and the
Enlargement Countries not to give any support to military operations in connection with the war in Iraq.
14. The 'Roadmap' for the Middle East adopted by the Quartet should be immediately and
fully implemented by all parties, leading to the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state and guaranteeing the
integrity of Israel, as well as the right of both states to live in save and secure borders. All efforts should
be made in order to alleviate the desperate situation of the Palestinian population and to put an end to Israeli
repression in the Occupied Territories. Suicide attacks must stop, as well as extra-judicial killings.
15. The territorial integrity of Iraq and the ownership of Iraq's natural resources by its
population are not up for negotiation. We demand the return of the UN agencies to Iraq as soon as the security
conditions allow and to completely reconsider the 'Oil for Food' Programme. Any decision on the political
future of Iraq, including reconstruction plans, has to be taken within the UN framework.
16. We call on the EU Member States and accession countries to contribute to post war UN peace-keeping
missions in Iraq, making clear to the USA that a commitment is needed by the American administration to give up
its strategy of "pre-emptive strikes".
17. Transatlantic dialogue is more important
than ever. All efforts should be made to bring the most burning problems of our planet back into focus, namely
poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. We hope to build on the recently established dialogue between
Green and other MEPs and anti-war members of US Congress.
18.European Greens support
the goal to develop a New World Order based on multilateral cooperation and the international rule of law
instead of unilateral domination through military strength.
19. We strongly support
the proposal of an international conference on security and stability in the region, addressing in particular
the issue of weapons of mass destruction.