In naam van de Europese Groenen/EVA uitte co-voorzitster Monica Frassoni
haar teleurstelling over de stopzetting van de onderhandelingen over Cyprus. Frassoni vindt de
verantwoordelijkheid van Rauf Denktash, de leider van de Turkse Cyprioten, erg groot. Ze verwijt hem geen
voeling te hebben met zijn eigen achterban. De Europese Groenen en regionalisten vinden het geen prettig
vooruitzicht dat Cyprus binnenkort lid is van de Unie terwijl er dwars over het eiland een grens van blauwhelmen
zou lopen. De fractie vraagt de Europese vredesbeweging van dit dossier een prioriteit te maken.
"The historic responsibility for the breakdown of the talks lies with the leader of the
Turkish Cypriots, Rauf Denktash, who rejected the UN sponsored settlement when a deal was within reach. Denktash
is completely out of touch with his people, who are longing to end the division of Cyprus. I regret that in
spite of the extraordinary mobilisation of people in Northern Cyprus, Denktash was unwilling to put the UN plan
to a referendum. The newly elected leader of the Greek Cypriots, Tassos Papadopoulos, did not make things easier
either by adding further conditions to the UN proposal. We thank wholeheartedly Kofi Annan for the efforts he
put into these difficult negotiations. Now the pressure must be kept on so the enormous work done in these
months was not in vain".
"Green/EFA members were counting on a reunified Cyprus in
the European Union. It is an unbearable thought that the future border of the European Union will be a green
line occupied by UN blue helmets.
"There is still time to make substantial and
decisive progress before the end of March so that the signature of the accession treaty in April can take into
account concrete prospects for the reunification.
"I urge the European peace movement
to include the Cyprus conflict among its priorities. Concrete initiatives should be planned for this island to
help the two communities find a genuine reconciliation, create a favourable Europe-wide framework and make peace