Gerechtelijke acties tegen gebruik Paraquat

(02/03/04) De Europese Groenen steunen de gerechtelijke acties tegen de goedkeuring - door de Europese Commissie - van het uiterst gevaarlijke pesticide Paraquat.

EP GREENS welcome Court action against toxic pesticide Paraquat

The Green Group in the European Parliament welcomes the initiative taken yesterday by European NGOs and trade unions to challenge the European Commission approval of the herbicide Paraquat.

"Commission decision on Paraquat clearly violates the precautionary principle. Paraquat is one of the most dangerous pesticides and its authorisation should be withdrawn immediately," says Paul Lannoye, MEP, who recently was the Parliament's rapporteur on the pesticide re-evaluation directive. "Paraquat has been classified as highly toxic by the World Health Organisation, as it can lead to irreversible intoxications if not used properly. It is unacceptable that the Commission's Standing Committee has given in to pressure of from the industry and has violated the principles from consumer protection in the European Union."

The pesticide had recently been put by the European Commission on a positive list of authorised pesticides, despite its dangerous toxic effects. According to the NGOs, there is sound scientific evidence on the toxic effects of paraquat on humans and the environment. Paraquat is made responsible for a substantial number of the tens of thousands of annual pesticide related deaths and is therefore included in the list of the "dirty dozen" by the Pesticide Action Network PAN.

Also the Swedish governement has filed an independant legal challenge to the Commission's approval of Paraquat at the European Court of Justice.

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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