Europese Groenen twijfelen aan engagement kandidaat-commissaris voor Milieu

Deze ochtend werd de Stavros Dimas, de kandidaat voor de functie van Europees Commissaris voor Milieu, onderworpen aan een verhoor van de milieucommissie van het EP. De Europese Groenen zijn bijzonder sceptisch over zijn kandidatuur. De bevoegdheid over Milieu is deze man niet op het lijf geschreven.

Commission hearings: Greens doubt Dimas's environmental commitment

Commenting on today's parliametary hearing session for Environment Commissioner designate Stavros Dimas, Satu Hassi, Finnish Green MEP and Vice-President of the Environment Committee, said:

"Today's hearing has confirmed our fears that the new Commission intends to downgrade environmental protection. In his responses to questions from MEPs Stavros Dimas demonstrated a worrying lack of environmental commitment and vision. He also failed to present any sort of clear action plan for his potential new role."

"The Greens doubt that Dimas is up to the job of Environment Commissioner. He is an economic and legal affairs specialist and during his political career he was Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry. But Europe has to meet important environmental challenges in the coming years, including the adoption of further measures against climate change at a European and international level and the introduction of a new legislative framework on chemicals policy that effectively protects human health and the environment. For this to happen we need a strong Environmental Commissioner who will act as a determined lobbyist for the environment and can stand up to strong pressure from industry. We find it hard to take on trust that Dimas will acquire the necessary qualifications by learning on the job."

"The Commissioner designate made a series of very worrying statements today that gave the impression that he wants to push responsibility for environmental policies towards Members States. Europe needs a Commissioner who will take the lead on environmental policies rather than merely reacting to what national governments are willing to undertake."

"Commission President Barroso should think again about whether he has chosen the right portfolio for Mr Dimas. We do not believe that he has."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


Samen ijveren voor een beter Europa en klimaat?