Europa moet sterke democratie worden

Aan de vooravond van de EU-top in Brussel uiten de Europese Groenen hun bezorgdheid over het democratisch gehalte van Europa.

EU Summit in Brussels: IGCs are a failed approach to decision making

On the eve of the EU summit in Brussels, Monica Frassoni, Co-President of the Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament, said today:

"European leaders meet tomorrow in Brussels. But if – as is exactly what happened three years ago in Nice – they cannot agree on a more democratic and efficient decision-making system, and remain stuck in Eurovision-like discussions on who gets what, we will have conclusive proof that the EU's first priority is to get rid of Intergovernmental conferences. Present Member State governments are unable to make decisions on behalf of the citizens of the EU."

"The Green/EFA Group call on the heads of Governments and State to resist degeneration into pitiful horse-trading and give the European Union a constitution that makes the Union more efficient, more accountable and more democratic. We do not need a bad constitution."

"There are several issues critical to our acceptance of this summit's outcome. Firstly, the European Parliament must not be made the loser. We will, therefore, reject any curtailing of the Parliament's budgetary rights – as demanded by EU finance ministers."

"Secondly, the principle of a double majority must be maintained. It is a clear method of decision-making that is understandable to all EU citizens."

"Thirdly, we will not accept any step away from the democratisation of the EU, especially regarding the authority of the Parliament and the European Court of Justice and the balance of power shared by the European institutions."

"Fourthly, we insist that the proposed mechanisms which would allow for the modification of a European constitution – and in particular part three – become more flexible."

"We hope the Union's leaders have learnt their lesson from Nice and can achieve a result that will lead to a huge step forward for the European Union."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


Samen ijveren voor een beter Europa en klimaat?