EU stap dichter bij principe 'vervuiler betaalt'

Als het aan het Europees Parlement ligt dan draait de belastingbetaler voortaan niet meer op voor vervuiling aan het milieu. Die verantwoordelijkheid komt bij de vervuiler te liggen.

EU takes timid step towards polluter pays principle

The Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament today welcomed MEP's endorsement of new environmental liability legislation, saying that it enshrined the polluter pays principle in EU law and benefited both the environment and Europe's citizens and enshrined the polluter pays principle in EU law. The vote at second reading will ensure that, in the case of environmental damage such as chemical leaks and wildlife damage, it is the polluter – not the tax payer – who will pay to clean it up.

Dutch MEP and Vice-President of the Parliament's Environment Committee Alex de Roo, said:
"I am glad that we managed to fend off attempts by EPP members and the Liberal Rapporteur Manders to diminish further an already weak proposal. I am also glad that directive will now have a review five years after it comes into force – rather than the eight years wanted by the Council. Mandatory financial insurance against environmental damage is also now back on the EU legislative agenda."

Belgian Ecolo MEP Paul Lannoye said:
"We regret that, although supported by a clear majority of MEPs, our amendment demanding civil liability legislation on damage arising from GMO contamination did not achieve the necessary 314 votes to go through. The European Commission promised this legislation back when the Directive on deliberate release of GMOs was adopted but it is still not on the table."
"On international marine liability we were able to reject the exclusion proposed by the Council, but the situation concerning the risks of nuclear power must be improved. Despite the existence of international conventions, the situation remains far from satisfactory. It is unacceptable that such a dangerous activity escapes this significant and very relevant legislation."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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