EP steunt Groene fractie in vraag voor Europees standpunt kerosinebelasting

De luchtvaart vormt een zware bedreiging voor het klimaat. Daarom vraagt het EP nu dat de Europese Commissie een duidelijk standpunt inneemt inzake een kerosinebelasting.

MEPs support Green initiative on Kerosene tax

The European Parliament today approved a Greens/EFA resolution calling for the EU to take a clear position on the question of kerosene taxation at the international conference for civil aviation at the end of September. The United States plans to introduce a resolution at the conference that would hinder the worldwide taxation of aircraft fuels (kerosene). The European Commission, who will be representing the Union in the talks, have so far kept their negotiating position secret.

MEPs approved the Greens/EFA resolution in Strasbourg by a large majority (307 yes / 20 no / 206 abstentions).

Michael Cramer, German member of the Transport Committee said after the vote:

"We want to make sure that the EU will continue to be able to decide its policies for itself. The European Parliament, the Commission and the Council need to decide what is the best way to protect the future of this continent. The Commission therefore must rebuff US attempts to put a leash on the EU's environmental policy."

"The EU has always treated climate protection as a high priority. That is why we signed the Kyoto Protocol. We must now do all that we can to achieve this ambitious goal. In this context, it is impossible to view civil aviation – which constitutes a massive threat to the climate and climate protection efforts – outside of these measures."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


Samen ijveren voor een beter Europa en klimaat?