(13/03/03) De Europese Groenen/EVA scharen zich achter een resolutie die vraagt dat de Europese Commissie
niet langer toestaat dat passagiersgegevens van luchtvaartmaatschappijen zomaar worden overgemaakt aan de VS.
Bij monde van Kathalijne Buitenweg laten de Groenen weten dat ze niet willen dat
onschuldige mensen het risico lopen te worden opgenomen in databestanden als het Global Surveillance System.
Onder het mom van een verhoging van de veiligheid wil dat het doen en laten van mensen zonder meer kunnen
European Parliament demands end to US access to passenger
On the initiative of a liberal-left coalition, including the Green
Group, a large majority of the European Parliament has called upon the European Commission to end the access of
the US Customs and Border Service to European airlines´ databases containing passengers´ personal data. The
Parliament demands that this practise stops until the joint statement that authorises it, and that was issued on
18th February by the Commission and the US, has been replaced by a lawful instrument with solid data protection
Speaking after the vote, Kathalijne Buitenweg (Greens (GroenLinks), Netherlands) said:
"The European Commission has to do its duty and respect European data protection laws when
incurring international obligations. This was not the case when in a joint statement EU and US officials
endorsed US legislation, which obliges airlines to give personal data of their passengers on flights from the EU
to the USA to the US immigration service, like pass port numbers, credit card numbers and food preferences. We
are appalled that EU officials have basically told the USA that they don't have to respect European data
protection laws in pursuing their fight against terrorism”.
"This might have dramatic consequences
for EU citizens. A simple holiday flight to the USA could result in the inclusion of this citizen into the
Global Surveillance System, which the Americans are busy developing. The idea of this system is to follow
people´s trails all around the globe and lifelong, by means of their travel reservations and credit card
“We are appalled that the Commission left the European Parliament on the sidelines in
this question which has huge consequences for community law and for citizens´ rights.
European Parliament calls upon the EU Commission to secure the suspension of the access of US authorities to
European airlines´ databases, until a lawful decision has been taken, involving the European Parliament and the
Member States and including the guarantees demanded by EU data protection legislation. We also call on the
President of the Parliament to explore the possibilities of bringing an action against the European Commission
before the European Court of Justice."