Vandaag komt de Commissie met een nieuw voorstel om het asielbeleid van de Unie aan te passen, maar zolang de lidstaten in de mogelijkheid blijven om hun verantwoordelijkheden af te wijzen, blijft het nieuwe voorstel een pleister op een houten been.
Onderstaand bericht stuurde de Groene fractie zopas uit:
EU asylum policy
The European Commission today presented its proposals for reforming the EU's asylum system. Commenting on the proposals, Green migration spokesperson Jean Lambert said:
"The unravelling chaos in Greece and Turkey has underlined for the umpteenth time that a comprehensive European solution to the refugee crisis is needed, and this implies overhauling the dysfunctional EU framework on asylum law. All EU member states must accept their responsibility for the refugees arriving at EU borders, and not just for the borders themselves. Unfortunately, today's proposal from the Commission is piecemeal.
"The existing Dublin asylum system is not fit for the task and must be replaced. There needs to be a permanent and fair system for relocating refugees across EU member states, based on solidarity, not an accident of geography. The European asylum agency (EASO) must play an important supporting role but it should not be abused by member states to outsource their responsibilities. It is also essential that the preferences and needs of refugees are taken into account, notably as regards language knowledge and where they already have family contacts. This is essential for facilitating integration. The Commission has also failed to address this in its proposal."