(30/05/05) Frans 'Neen' kan niet van invloed zijn op besprekingen Turkije

Results of French referendum:
Turkey's will to reform – not French No – is deciding factor in start of accession negotiations

Commenting on the French No to the European Constitution and its possible impact on the start of EU accession negotiations with Turkey, German Green MEP and member of the Parliament's Turkey delegation, Cem Özdemir, said:
"Ten member states have already approved the constitution. Yesterday's No in France is a large burden for the European Union to bear, but the ratification process will continue, as planned, until October 2006."

"The outcome of the French referendum therefore does not stand in the way of accession negotiations with Turkey. It was always clear: enlargement is not a one-way street. The EU must also be ready to take on new members. It is in Europe's own interest to reform itself as quickly as possible, in order to remain functional with 25 members and soon 27 members. If Turkey joins the EU within the target time period of ten to 15 years, it will become part of a stronger union."

"Turkey cannot, therefore, let itself be misled: its will to reform is the deciding factor. If Turkey wants to make sure that accession negotiations start on 3 October 2005, it must not deter from its current course of reforms. The image that Turkey is currently projecting, however, must be changed immediately. Violent police action on International Women's Day, the recently cancelled Armenia conference in Istanbul and recent calls to burn the books of authors like Orhan Pamuk are intolerable relapses into a bygone era. To reform and to implement is the key – and Europe will stand at Turkey's side through this difficult process."

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