(29/06/05) Reactie Europese Groenen op voorstel Commissie toetreding Turkije

Commission adopts negotiating mandate - Greens welcome plan for entry talks with Turkey

Commenting on the European Commission's adoption today of a plan for accession talks with Turkey, Dutch Green MEP Joost Lagendijk, president of the European Parliament's Turkey delegation, said:
"The Commission has, despite the difficult times we are currently in, stuck to the commitments it gave Turkey and the Greens welcome this. The European Union has sent a clear signal that it will continue to support the ongoing reform process in Turkey. This is an important message for Turkey but also for the EU."

"Both sides know that the road ahead will be long and difficult, but the Commission has presented a good framework through which the negotiations can be concluded. It details in 35 chapters the very complex and complicated issues that must be resolved before Turkey reaches European standards. This process will take time. But result will be a transformed, politically and economically stable modern Turkey committed to the rule of law that will be fully ready to join the Union. By that stage the EU will also have undergone its own much-needed reform process."

German Green MEP Cem Özdemir, also a member of the Turkey delegation, added:
"The Greens welcome the Commission's initiative to establish an intensive political and civil society dialogue between the EU and Turkey. This will be an important contribution to enhance mutual understanding and reduce worries and fears on both sides."

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