(28/05/04) The Day After Tomorrow is fictie, maar klimaatverandering is realiteit.

De Europese Groenen grijpen The Day After Tomorrow aan om te wijzen op de werkelijke gevolgen van klimaatverandering.

Voorlopig zal de aarde niet getroffen worden door rampen zoals die te zien zijn in The Day After Tomorrow. Gelukkig. Maar achter de fictie liggen de feiten: niets doen tegen de opwarming van de aarde is gokken met de toekomst van de planeet.

Nuttige dossiers over klimaatverandering

1) De Nederlandse collega's van GroenLinks hebben het over klimaatverandering.
2) De Heinrich Böll-Stiftung, een nauw aan Die Grünen verwante organisatie stelde dit dossier samen.
3) En ook Worldwatch bleef niet achter.


The Day After Tomorrow might be make-believe, but climate change is a reality
Greens back new film for raising awareness of climate change

The European Greens have given their backing to a new film dealing with climate change, saying that it will raise awareness of the consequences of climate change. While cautioning that the events in 'The Day After Tomorrow' are fictional, the spokespersons of the European Greens election campaign said that climate change was nevertheless a reality, and it was important for people to understand that action must be taken now to prevent dire consequences in he future.

As a follow-up to the powerful message in 'The Day After Tomorrow', which tells a story of global warming rapidly leading to storms, flooding and extreme temperature drops, the Greens have produced leaflets outlining previous successes and future plans in the fight against climate change.

Coinciding with the opening of the film across Europe this week, the leaflets will be distributed outside cinemas in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The Hungarian Greens concluded a deal with local distributors ensuring that 500,000 copies of the leaflet will be given to people going to see 'The Day After Tomorrow'.

The leaflets highlight ongoing Green campaigns to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, make appliances more efficient and promote renewable energy, while reminding cinema-goers of the importance of voting green in the European elections.

Monica Frassoni, Co-Speaker of the European election campaign, said:
"This film comes at a very important time. In two weeks Europeans will have the ability to elect representatives who have made – and will continue to make – a difference on climate change. If it weren't for the Greens, Europe's relative successes in the fields of emissions reductions, efficiency improvements and renewable energy might never have happened. As the work to tackle climate change is far from over, having Greens elected in Europe is more important than ever."

Dany Cohn-Bendit, Co-Speaker of the European election campaign, said:
"Europeans needs to see this film to understand the potential consequences of climate change. The film's events are fictional and dramatised, but its message is clear: if we do not deal with climate change now we are gambling – not only with our future, but with the future of the planet."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


Samen ijveren voor een beter Europa en klimaat?