(26/04/06) CIA-interimrapport spaart lidstaten - Groenen vragen echte onderzoekscommissie

Het interimrapport van de tijdelijke commissie over (illegale) CIA-activiteiten veroordeelt weliswaar de schendingen van de fundamentele rechten op het EU-grondgebied, maar heeft geen oog voor het aandeel van de lidstaten daarin.

CIA activity Interim Report

Greens call for a genuine parliamentary inquiry

Following the publication of the interim report of the European Parliament's temporary committee on CIA activity, Green MEPs Cem Özdemir and Kathalijne Buitenweg said:

"We welcome the strong line taken by the interim report in denouncing the violations of fundamental rights that have occurred on EU territory as a result of furtive and illegal CIA activities. It is a major shortcoming, however, that report goes soft on Member States, which were either actively or tacitly complicit in these abuses.

"It is important to openly condemn those Member States, which were unwilling or failed to exert control over the illegal activities of the CIA in their jurisdiction. It is unacceptable that certain Member States are resisting calls to investigate the legitimate allegations of illegal flights on their territory.

"The refusal of some Member States to cooperate with the EP inquiry is repugnant and highlights the limits of the temporary status of the committee. If the Parliament is to ensure that the violations are properly investigated and complicit authorities are outed, the temporary committee must be transformed into a genuine Committee of Inquiry."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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