(26/02/07) Stopzetting van subsidies klimaatonvriendelijke transportmiddelen

Een rapport van het Europees Milieuagentschap geeft aan dat de snelle groei van uitstoot door het transport de inspanningen om elders de uitstoot te verminderen, ondermijnt. Subsidies voor bv. de aanleg van wegen mogen niet langer kunnen. De externe kosten van vervoer moeten worden geïnternaliseerd (dwz. niet langer uitsluitend betalen voor bv. brandstof, maar ook voor de werkelijke kosten aan het milieu). Het luchtverkeer vraagt daarbij zeker de nodige aandacht, waar het bv. niet langer kan dat de brandstof niet wordt belast.

Transport and climate change (EEA report)
Susbsidising of climate-damaging transport modes must be ended

A report published by the European Environment Agency today (1) has underlined concerns that the rapid growth in transport emissions could undermine other efforts to combat climate change in the EU. Commenting on the report Greens/EFA transport spokespersons Michael Cramer and Eva Lichtenberger said:

"The unrelenting growth in passenger transport and resulting increase in emissions, if left unchecked, could undo the efforts of other sectors to reduce their emissions as part of the EU's fight against climate change (1). While the Commission is beginning to address the technological aspect of transport emissions, this is merely treating the symptoms. We need a major shift in approach to how we get around. Ending direct subsidies for climate-damaging transport modes, such as for road construction, must be a priority but we also need to internalise the external environmental costs of transport."

UK MEP Caroline Lucas , the European Parliament's rapporteur on climate change and aviation, added:
"The EEA report reaffirms the dangers associated with the boom in air transport (2). With flights set to double again by 2020 we need immediate action to tackle the climate threat posed by our reckless approach to air transport. We need to end indirect subsidies for airlines - such as the lack of tax on kerosene. If there is to be an emissions trading scheme for the sector, it must be a separate one with rigorous caps so the true environmental cost of flying is reflected in the end price. The EU must introduce these measures, which are supported by a large majority in the European Parliament, sooner rather than later. "

Editors notes

(1) The EEA report makes clear that emissions from passenger transport increased by 25% from 1990-2003, at the same time as the emissions from other sectors (industry, waste management, energy supply) decreased.

(2) The EEA report points out that air transport grew by 96% from 1990-2003. The European Parliament report on climate change and aviation made clear that flights are set to double again by 2020.

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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