(25/10/05) 213 miljoen euro voor 'Jeugd in actie'

EU must work to reengage sceptical young people

Greens satisfied with youth in action report

The Greens expressed their satisfaction with a vote today in the European Parliament on a report which outlines the EU's support for a programme encouraging young people's participation in the democratic life of Europe. MEPs voted almost unanimously in favour of the report on the 'Youth in Action' programme, which will run from 2007-2013 and succeeds the current YOUTH programme.

Speaking after the vote Helga Trüpel , German Green MEP and vice-chair of the Parliament's education and culture committee, said:

"More than ever before the EU today needs to strengthen the idea and reality of European citizenship. Our young people are increasingly sceptical about the European project. It is therefore absolutely necessary to support the development of youth projects in a European context. This programme is an important tool for that. I am very satisfied about the efforts of the youth organisations to improve the report and am happy to see that plenary today accepted amendments proposed by the Federation of Young European Greens."

Ska Keller , Spokesperson of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) added:

“Some of the amendments tabled by Helga Trüpel and the young Greens are extremely important. They come from our day-to-day experience in dealing with ongoing youth programmes. We fought for improved legal protection and faster and clearer funding procedures which both went through. On our initiative the Parliament allocated an extra €300,000 per year to support international youth organisations."

"We support the rapporteur's proposal on European youth week, which is an excellent idea, but have strong fears that it will be a one-man show run by the Commission if young people do not participate fully in its organisation. Our amendment ensures that the youth week is not only for young people, but is also run by young people."

"However we are deeply disappointed that two of our amendments were not adopted. Both the EPP and ALDE groups voted against changes that sought to cut bureaucracy and structural support – which will now continue to hinder the work of European youth organisations. Are such improvements to efficiency only designed for big business? This is a big step backwards. The conservatives and liberals have left international youth organisations out in the cold."

FYEG Spokesperson Ernest Urtasun , concluded:

"We are very happy that MEPs have recognised the importance of supporting youth cooperation and intercultural exchanges across Europe. The Commission proposal fell short in terms of the level of funding allocated. But the Parliament has spoken clearly on increasing the funding for this programme to €213 million and has endorsed the view that it is very important to create a space for young people. We hope that the Council shares this view."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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