(24/01/06) CIA-gevangenissen: nationale parlementen moeten eigen regering op de rooster leggen

Vandaag stelde de Zwitser Dick Marty voor de Raad van Europa (niet te verwarren met de Europese Raad) zijn rapport voor over de CIA-activiteiten in Europa. Het rapport kwam er na berichten over het bestaan van CIA-gevangenissen in Europese (EU-)landen, foltering en het uitvoeren van vluchten met verdachten. De Europese Groenen menen dat het tijd is dat de nationale parlementen zich nu ook over deze kwestie buigen. Zij moeten hun regeringen op de rooster leggen. Europa moet een gewetensonderzoek doen naar de manier waarop het de strijd tegen terreur voert. De strijd tegen terreur verdient steun, maar ze dient te gebeuren binnen de spelregels van het internationale recht.

Dick Marty reports on CIA activities:

Greens - National parliaments should start investigating CIA-flights

Commenting on the findings of Swiss senator Dick Marty on the CIA activities in Europe, Dutch Green MEP Kathalijne Buitenweg , member of the newly created temporary Committee of the European Parliament "on CIA activities in European countries " today said in her speech to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg:

"It is time for national parliaments to start investigations into the secret CIA-flights landing and taking off in their countries and the involvement of national authorities in this matter. It's very worrying that national governments probably knew of these flights and apparently didn't do anything to stop them, or were even involved in them. After today it is clear that these flights took place and that detainees were transported to countries where torture is common. The reliability of the European Union is at stake. In the European Parliament we'll do our best to collect additional information, but we can't do it alone.

In cooperation with us and with the Council of Europe, the national parliaments have to make sure that their national authorities provide all information before the deadline of 21 February set by the Council of Europe.

It is also necessary for the EU to start a debate with the US on definitions of torture. It seems the US is messing with definitions. According to senior officials almost drowning somebody wouldn't classify as torture. It would be good to discuss these definitions and to make clear where the line according to the EU should be drawn."

Green MEP Cem Özdemir (Germany), member of the temporary Committee of the European Parliament "on CIA activities in European countries" said:

"Mr Marty's report provides a long list of remarkable details that leads to a simple conclusion: Europe urgently needs an in-depth investigation of its own failures and misconduct in the fight against terrorism. Pointing out the wrongdoings of the CIA is easy. Looking into European countries' own involvement in, or tolerance of, these operations is the tough part.

The report presents evidence of alleged illegal actions by EU member states. For example, when Sweden extradites persons to Egypt, where they may be subject to torture - that is a clear breach of international law. Or when the UK reportedly draws on Uzbek information likely to have been obtained under torture. The European Parliament, together with the Council of Europe, will further investigate the extralegal renditions which affected EU citizens like the German Khaled al-Mazri, or which occurred on European soil, as was the case when Abu Omar was kidnapped in Italy. Member states and EU bodies must fully cooperate in these investigations to end speculation that they themselves have something to hide.

The fight against terrorism has our full support. However, it must be carried out in compliance with international law."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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