(23/05/05) Software - patenten mogen geen aanleiding geven tot monopolievorming

Software patenting: Microsoft among big businesses seeking to hamper interoperability

Commenting on a hearing today on the software patents directive in the European Parliament’s legal affairs committee, Green MEP for Austria, Eva Lichtenberger, said:
"Consumer rights are now coming to the foreground of the debate on software patenting. On the question of interoperability especially, the compatibility of devices and programmes made by different producers is of crucial importance. Consumers often have big problems when trying to operate programmes on another producer’s operating system or to combine devices made by different producers. The problem is that interoperability needs an interface that enables smooth communication between different devices and programmes. It is precisely with this issue that big producers such as Microsoft have spotted a way of enhancing their market domination position.”

“For such interfaces software from the different producers is needed, yet if the interface is protected by patents, it is easy to set the users fee so high that it becomes practically impossible to use. In this way consumers are being forced to buy products from only one producer, thus enhancing the company's market-dominating position. There is a legal battle already underway between the European Commission and Microsoft to fend off a market-dominating position.”

“Patents on software and interfaces also pose a huge problem for small and medium enterprises, because they often need tailored software solutions. For them, the affordable integration of different software and hardware components is a matter of survival.”

“It is absurd that in a world in which commercial barriers are tumbling, some producers are trying to re-erect them. The Greens call upon all MEPs to fight for consumer-friendly solutions and to frustrate attempts to introduce software monopolies through the back door using the software patents directive. This directive must facilitate interoperability – not make it more difficult. The European Commission and the Council of Ministers should also to support this objective."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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