(23/02/05) EP-leden dienen schriftelijke verklaring in voor het recht op religieuze beleving

In een opmerkelijk initiatief in het EP dienen vijf EP-leden van vier verschillende fracties (PPE - Christen-democraten en conservatieven, ALDE - liberalen, Greens/EFA - Groenen en regionalisten en PES - socialisten) een schriftelijke verklaring in waarbij ze het recht op religieuze beleving vragen. Het initiatief is o.a. gericht op de mogelijkheid Franse moslimvrouwen het recht niet te ontzeggen een hoofddoek te dragen, maar spreekt ook over keppeltjes, tulbanden en kruisen.

Written declaration on right to religious expression

MEPs take stand against rights-violating headscarf bans

A cross-party group of MEPs today presented a written declaration calling for the preservation of the right for Muslim women across Europe to wear the Islamic Hijab headscarf at a press conference in Strasbourg. The declaration also calls for wider respect of religious rights and freedoms including the right to wear the Jewish scull cap, Sikh turban and Christian cross.

Caroline Lucas, UK Green MEP, said:
"Restricting religious expression and freedoms violates human rights and panders to the ‘racist right'. A ban on Hijab headscarves violates the human rights of Muslims to free expression and freedom to practice their religion; it undermines multiculturalism; and it is likely to create tension and racist attacks. Women who have freely chosen to wear the Hijab as an essential part of their Islamic beliefs and lifestyle should not be forced to endure laws that are likely to heighten religious and ethnic discrimination."

French Green MEP Alain Lipietz added:
"The right to free expression of religion in public or private was emphasised by René Cassin who received a Nobel Peace Prize for his work as one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet these civil liberties which are central to the ideals of the French Republic are displaced by my country's ban on the Hijab. My government should be standing up for Muslims, Jews, Sikhs and Christians, and for a multicultural Europe free of the violence and mistrust, instead of capitulating to the narrow minded."

Sister Nadia Karmouse from the Federation of Islamic Organisations in EUrope concluded:
"We call on all MEPs and citizens of Europe to support the Written Declaration as a show of unity against the discriminatory legislation adopted by some European governments including the French. Religious and cultural freedoms are a foundation of European societies and it is our duty to act now in order to preserve these ideals for the generations to come."

The five MEPs who signed it are: Philip Bushill-Matthews (EPP-ED – UK), Alain Liptiez (Greens/EFA – FR), Caroline Lucas (Greens/EFA – UK), Sarah Ludford (ALDE – UK) and Claude Moraes (PES – UK). To become a resolution debated in the Parliament, at least half of the MEPs must sign the written declaration within three months.



pursuant to Rule 116 of the Rules of Procedure

by Caroline Lucas, Claude Moraes, Sarah Ludford, Philip Bushill-Matthews and Alain Lipietz

on religious rights and freedoms in France and throughout the European Union

Lapse date: 21.5.2005

Written declaration on religious rights and freedoms in France and throughout the European Union

The European Parliament,

– having regard to Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas religious freedom is one of the most basic and most precious freedoms endorsed by the European Union,

B. alarmed at the rise of religiously motivated violence in many European countries, especially since 11 September 2001,

C. deeply concerned at France’s ban on what it calls the display of ‘conspicuous religious symbols’ in schools,

D. believing this ban on the Christian cross, Jewish skullcap, Muslim hijab, and Sikh turban to be an infringement of human rights, in particular Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights,

E. considering that gender equality is a fundamental right, and reaffirming the rights of men and women to dress as they wish,

1. Calls on Member States specifically to allow within educational and other state establishments the outward expression in a private manner of individual faith;

2. Urges the French Government to rethink its ban and investigate ways of improving the opportunities for religious as well as racial minorities to integrate more fully into French society, including through the combating of religious discrimination;

3. Considers that a debate on this subject should be held in the European Parliament;

4. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Commission, the Council and the governments of the Member States.

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