(22/05/06) Montenegro onafhankelijk - reactie van Groen waarnemer

Het Groene EP-lid Milan Horacek was waarnemer bij het referendum in Servië-Montenegro. Hij heeft geen onregelmatigheden gezien. De EU moet beide landen steunen.

Montenegrins choose independence following legitimate poll

On the occasion of yesterday's referendum on independence in Montenegro, Green MEP Milan Horácek, member of the European Parliament's ad hoc delegation for observing the referendum , said:

"Yesterday's referendum in Montenegro, with 55.4% of an overall turnout of 86,3% voting in favour of Montenegro's independence from Serbia, should be acknowledged as being legitimate. Having observed polling in the area surrounding the city of Cetinje, as a member of the Parliament's observation mission, I can confirm that procedure at the polling stations was correct.

"Following this result, the European Union must support both Montenegro and Serbia. Accession negotiations with Montenegro will have to be redefined and the country must be assisted in making the transition to independence."

Reactie van EU-voorzitter Oostenrijk

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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