(22/02/05) Transatlantische relatie - na de woorden de daden

It's the substance that matters

Commenting on today's meetings between US President George W. Bush and representatives of NATO and the EU, Angelika Beer and Cem Özdemir, German Green Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said:

"We welcome the US Administration's efforts to improve the transatlantic relationship. The President's visit to the capital of Europe makes us hopeful that Washington will develop a better perception of the EU. The constructive atmosphere created by both sides must now be used for substantial collective policy initiatives."

"Iran is one of the most important topics on the agenda. Americans and Europeans alike seek for Iran to relinquish attempts to develop military nuclear capabilities. Only through a co-ordinated Euro-Atlantic strategy can we best achieve our goal."

"We expect President Bush to actively support EU negotiations with Iran. This would be a decisive contribution to the restriction of further WMD proliferation in the Middle East; the avoidance of military escalation; and the maintenance of Israel's security."

"Now is the time to put words into action in the transatlantic relationship. There are tasks for both sides: Europe must be able to act decisively and with one voice, and the US must begin to properly respect our common values."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


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