(21/09/05) Commissie blundert in dossier GGO-maïs

Commission at serious fault over GM approvals
Council should refuse license for new pest-resistant GM maize

As European agriculture and fisheries ministers yesterday postponed a decision on whether to grant a marketing license for a new pest- and herb-resistant GMO, the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament criticised the European Commission for pushing a debate on unauthorised genetically modified material in food. At an ad hoc intergovernmental task force on biotech foods in (Chiba, Japan, 19-23 September 2005), the Commission proposed the prioritisation of a debate on the low level presence of unauthorised GM material in food.

The Greens/EFA Group reiterated its call on EU member states to refuse to give the green light to GM maize L1507 for environmental and public health reasons. The maize made by Pioneer Hi-Bred Int, has been genetically modified to resist certain lepidopteran pests and the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium.

The European Council's regulatory committee on 19 September 2005, discussed issuing a marketing license for a maize product (Hybrid MON 863 X MON 810, Monsanto.) genetically modified for resistance to corn rootworm and certain lepidopteran maize pest. Twelve countries votes against, seven in favour with five abstentions (one member state was absent). Therefore, as there is no qualified majority in favour or against this GM product, the file is now in the hands of the next Commission ENVI Council.

Reacting to the news UK Green MEP Caroline Lucas, who is a member of the European Parliament's environment committee, said:
"It is unacceptable that the European Commission tolerates the presence of unauthorised GMOs in food. After all, the whole European legislation on the dissemination and traceability of GM products is clearly based on transparency and well-known GMOs. Member states should take their responsibilities seriously and, with a qualified majority, refuse the GM maize L1507 dossier for environmental and public health reasons."

Plaid Cymru MEP for Wales Jill Evans, who is a member of the environment committee, added:
"The next environment council should not approve MON 863 X MON 810 for sale in Europe because this hybrid maize contains two antibiotic resistance genes and is already prohibited by EU law (1). Given that the resistance to GM food in Europe is greater than ever and that there are GM-free initiatives virtually in every member state, the Commission is at grave political fault if it issues any new GMO marketing licenses."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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