(20/06/07) EP heeft genoeg van kwik

Het Europees Parlement heeft vandaag beslist om tegen eind 2010 een import- en exportverbod voor kwik in te voeren. Kwik is erg schadelijk voor mens en milieu. Vloeibaar kwik stelt nog grotere problemen, zeker in het veilig opslaan ervan. In niet EU-landen wordt het bv. nog gebruikt in open goudmijnen. Vooral mensen en ecosystemen in ontwikkelingslanden zijn het slachtoffer van de schadelijke gevolgen van kwik.

Het parlement stelde vandaag dat het - in afwachting van een betere oplossing - tijdelijk in oude zoutmijnen mag worden opgeslagen. Erg belangrijk is ook dat het EP ermee instemt dat de industrie (financieel) verantwoordelijk wordt voor het veilig opslaan en de uiteindelijke bestemming van kwik.

Banning mercury exports will end damage it causes in developing countries

The European Parliament today adopted a legislative proposal to ban the export of metallic mercury. The proposal, as amended by the EP, would also prohibit the export of other mercury compounds and mercury-containing products that are prohibited for sale in the EU, and would foresee similar import bans into the EU. It also provides rules on the storage of mercury waste. Following the vote, Swedish Green MEP Carl Schlyter , said:
"We welcome the fact that MEPs supported an extension of the scope of the export ban to include mercury compounds, mercury ore and mercury containing articles that are banned in the EU. However, the Greens regret that the EP did not vote for a significantly earlier introduction of the export ban due to the lobby pressure from the main global mercury trader, the Spanish state-owned firm MAYASA.

"While we strongly regret that the EP did not support our proposal to prohibit the final disposal of liquid mercury, we welcome the clarification that 'storage' in salt mines can only be considered as temporary, thus allowing a safe final disposal at a later date, when appropriate technologies (such as for solidification) are available. The EP has also called for the industry to take financial responsibility for the safe storage and final disposal of mercury.

"Mercury is a highly toxic substance that can have devastating effects on humans, animals and ecosystems. The last industry in the EU that uses significant amounts of mercury - the chlor-alkali industry - is due to phase out its use by 2010, thereby making thousands of tonnes of mercury available. Banning the export of mercury and mercury compounds as soon as possible is a crucial step to reducing the damage it causes in developing countries. Mercury continues to be used indiscriminately in some of these countries, for example in open gold mining, with serious consequences for the environment and public health."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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