Morgen, donderdag 20 maart 2003, houdt het Europees Parlement een extra zitting over de
toestand in Irak. De Europese Groenen hebben inmiddels een brief gestuurd aan het Grieks voorzitterschap met de
vraag om na te gaan of EU-lidstaten die de oorlog in Irak steunen inbreuk plegen op het EU-verdrag.
Overmorgen, vrijdag 21 maart 2003, komen de Europese Groenen samen in het EP. Op de agenda
die een tijd geleden werd vastgelegd zal er van gedachten gewisseld worden over de stichting van een echte
Europese Groene Partij. Maar vanzelfsprekend is het Irak dat de agenda zal bepalen. De Groenen zullen er werken
aan een resolutie over de huidige crisis.
Politiek secretaris Jos Geysels,
adjunct-politiek secretaris Jan Mertens en partijsecretaris Luc Lemiengre vertegenwoordigen de Vlaamse Groenen
van Agalev. Politiek geïnteresseerden zijn welkom. Europees Parlement, PHS 4B001. Aanvang 10u.30 - einde
voorzien 17u. Geïnteresseerden die geen toegangspas hebben nemen ZO SNEL MOGELIJK contact op met
Greens/EFA ask Greek EU Presidency to examine breach of Treaty by
war-supporting EU countries
The Co-Presidents of the Green/EFA group, Daniel
Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni, today sent a letter to Greek Prime Minister Constaninos Simitis asking him to
discuss a possible breach of the EU treaty by war-supporting EU countries at the EU summit starting tomorrow in
The letter says "Those EU governments that expressed their support for this
war are acting in clear breach of Art. 19 of the EU Treaties and against the Council declaration of 17 February.
We call on you, Mr. President, to do all in your capacity to raise this very worrying fact with your colleagues
in the up-coming European Summit of 21 March. We consider the threat to international peace and the rule of law
caused by the likely war without explicit UN approval is severe enough to even consider it a serious breach by
those member States of the fundamental underlying principles of the EU treaties."
The question will be also raised by the Green/EFA group at an extraordinary session of the European
Parliament on Iraq convened on a Greens/EFA request for tomorrow, Thursday 20 March from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
(debate without resolution).
Green Party
Leaders to meet in Brussels for Green European Summit
The Leaders of the Green
parties in the European Union and in the accession countries will meet on Friday, 21 March in Brussels for a
Green summit to discuss the Iraq war and the foundation of a European party.
common resolution of all European Green parties on the Iraq war will be discussed and adopted in the afternoon.
The morning session will be dedicated to the preparatory work for the foundation of a European Green party,
which is to be launched in time for the European elections in June 2004. (Agenda subject to change according to
developments in Iraq)
The Co-Presidents of the Green/EFA Group Daniel Cohn-Bendit and
Monica Frassoni will welcome more than 30 party leaders to the meeting among them the chair of the German
Greens, Reinhard Bütikofer, the National Secretary of the French Greens, Gilles Lemaire, the Chair of the
Italian Greens, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio.
The meeting will be held on Friday, 21
March 2003 from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in room 4 B 001 in the Paul Henri Spaak Building of the European
parliament. The meeting is open to the public.