(18/01/05) Groenen pal tegenover industrie in dossier REACH

The "voice of business" screeches against new chemicals laws:
Greens/EFA denounce industry attacks on REACH

The Greens/EFA Group today denounced sweeping attacks from several European trade associations against the new EU chemicals legislation in the run-up to a hearing in the European Parliament tomorrow (19 January 2005). The fundamental changes to the legislation demanded by UNICE (Union des Industries de la Communauté européenne) make a mockery of its claims to support the objectives of REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals). The Greens/EFA Group said that the REACH legislation needed to be strengthened if it was to succeed in its objectives.

Caroline Lucas, UK Green member in the Environment committee, said:

"UNICE has called for fundamental changes to REACH, which makes a mockery of its claims to support the legislation's objectives. In the name of efficiency, UNICE wants to replace the clear structure for registration with a 'risk-based' approach that would fall under industry's control. And in the name of workability, its wants to get rid of the authorisation scheme for the most problematic substances. These are just two examples of its many fundamental attacks against the legislation."

"When UNICE calls for 'efficiency', what it really means is 'leave it to the industry', when it asks for 'workability', it means 'do nothing'. UNICE has again revealed that it represents the most recalcitrant of their members – those who still think that the industry can continue to get away with selling millions of tonnes of chemicals with neither interest nor care about the potential impact on human health or the environment."

Carl Schlyter, Swedish Green member of the Environment committee, said:

"I call on my colleagues to ignore the destructive stance adopted by UNICE and their friends against REACH and instead be aware of the example of individual companies such as Boots and Electrolux who have expressed support for REACH and have taken a constructive approach. If we want the legislation to succeed then we need to discuss the various aspects that need strengthening. Top of my list is the full implementation of the substitution principle; chemicals of very high concern must not be authorised when a safer alternative is available."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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