(16/03/05) Uitstel voor toetredingsonderhandelingen Kroatië

Accession talks with Croatia delayed: EU enlargement needs strong fundamental principals

Commenting on EU Foreign Affairs Ministers decision today to delay the opening of accession talks with Croatia, Joost Lagendijk (Netherlands) and Angelika Beer (Germany) said:

"The Green/EFA group in the European Parliament welcomes the Council's decision to postpone the opening of accession talks with Croatia. Europe needs strong fundamental principals for future enlargements. If we lower our own standards out of fear of adversaries, we will build our Union on sand."

"The start of accession negotiations with Croatia would undoubtedly be an important signal for reconciliation on the entire Western Balkans. But for that to begin, the past must not be swept under the carpet. We must now create the foundations for peaceful co-existence in the Western Balkans."

"Respect for the rule of law and the accountability of state bodies are the preconditions for the opening of negotiations. This concerns not only the fugitive former general Ante Gotovina, but all of the former forces and structures, which resist the efforts of the new Croatia."

"It is evident that the Croatian government has not done what it promised to do a year ago. Only now they are wakening up and trying to fulfil their obligations. The assets of General Gotovina, for instance, were frozen only a few weeks ago, contrary to earlier promises."

"There is no choice about who we should believe – Chief Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte or a Prime Minister who admitted that previous governments had promised, but failed, to co-operate."

"Croatia can continue to count on the support of the EU; the door to Europe remains open. But the speed of the accession process is entirely dependent on Croatia implementing the changes it needs to make."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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