(13/09/06) Werknemers uit andere lidstaten met zelfde rechten en plichten

Vandaag keurde de EP-commissie Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid een rapport goed waarin gevraagd wordt dat werknemers uit andere lidstaten dezelfde rechten en plichten moeten hebben dan deze van hun gastland. Dit moet sociale afbraak in het gastland voorkomen.

Posting of Workers Directive
Clear rules on posting of workers crucial for guaranteeing employment rights in EU

Following the adoption by the EP's Employment and Social Affairs Committee today of a report on the Posting of Workers Directive (1), rapporteur and German Green MEP Elisabeth Schroedter stated:

"It is crucial that Member States are able to ensure that workers posted in their countries are afforded the same rights as the rest of the workforce and that businesses cannot gain a competitive advantage by flouting employment rules to the detriment of their employees. Today's vote by the Employment and Social Affairs Committee sends a strong message to the Commission on the need to ensure employment rights in each Member State can be guaranteed for all workers, including those posted to work there from another Member State.

"In the context of the Services Directive, the European Commission has attempted to reduce the obligations on Member States to control companies posting workers in their jurisdiction, through the controversial 'Guidance on the posting of workers', which is an annex to the Directive. A large majority, from across the political spectrum in the parliament, has now indicated its opposition to this weakening of the existing rules on posting of workers. In addition, the report highlights the importance in ensuring that each posting company names a local responsible representative."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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