(13/04/05) Europees Parlement stemt voor energiebesparend 'eco-design'

Eco-design requirements for energy-using products:
Better design reduces EU energy needs and costs to consumers

The European Parliament today gave its broad support to new laws that will improve the environmental performance of new energy-consuming products. The directive on eco-design requirements for energy-using products will define a stringent framework under which the European Commission has to come forward with minimum requirements for the environmental quality of household appliances, office equipment, consumer electronics and industrial process engines.

The European climate change program has identified improving the energy consumption of appliances and office equipment as one of the best and cheapest ways for Europe to fulfil its Kyoto requirements to reduce carbon emissions. Speaking after the vote today, Claude Turmes, Green coordinator of the Industry Committee and member of the Environment Committee, said:
"Due to weak policies over the last decade the EU has lost its world leadership on efficient energy-using products to countries like Japan. We hope that this directive will boost innovation in the European appliances industry and create an example of how thorough environmental legislation can pave the way for a sound economy."

"We have had to fight hard against the Commission and Council to make a meaningful directive. Almost all of the directive's relevant provisions – such as a clear priority for energy efficiency, a stake-holders forum with NGOs representatives, a criteria list to check the relevance of voluntary agreements and a work-plan based on the European climate change program – were imposed by the Parliament."

"It is now time for the Commission to deliver, but this will not be possible with the resources it currently allocates. The Commission does not even have two people working full-time on the important issues of minimum requirements, labelling and public procurement of appliances. This situation must change if Europe wants to take full advantage of the opportunities for significant environmental benefit and reduction of greenhouse gases offered by this framework directive."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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