(11/10/07) Ook extra pensioenen mee overdraagbaar bij verhuis tussen lidstaten

De Europese Groenen waarderen de inspanningen van de Europese Commissie om werknemers die verhuizen tussen lidstaten hun verworven rechten mee te laten nemen. Anderzijds moet dat ook gelden voor de rechten op extra pensioen, vinden ze.

Employment rights (pensions)
New proposal on pensions rights lacks teeth

The European Commission adopted an amended proposal for a directive on supplementary pensions yesterday, 9 October. Commenting on the proposal, UK Green Jean Lambert said:
"While we welcome the continued efforts of the Commission to ensure that workers' mobility goes hand in hand with adequate protection for the rights they acquire, the failure to deal with the portability of supplementary pensions makes the proposal rather toothless. By deleting the key article on 'transferability', the Commission is pandering to the refusal of most Member States to adapt their pension systems to the modern labour market and the workers needs.

"Today's working environment has changed tremendously. Workers change jobs more often and have a more fragmented work history. Flexible workers still face a greater risk of poverty in later life and of losing entitlements. This is unacceptable and therefore pension systems must adapt to new work biographies more speedily. Workers must have access to supplementary pension schemes from the day they start work. It is equally important that there is no age discrimination and that younger workers have access to an occupational pension as early in life as possible.

"The Greens welcome the directive, as it is about creating adequate support measures for workers who dare to be flexible. Member States must place workers interests before the interest of protecting outdated pension systems."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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