(10/01/05) Palestijnen tonen zich betrokken bij democratie


Voters in the election for a replacement to Yasser Arafat as president of the Palestinian Authority have demonstrated their commitment to the democratic process, according to election monitor and Green Euro-MP Caroline Lucas.

Speaking from Jerusalem following a meeting of the 250-strong EU Election Observation Mission (EUEOM) to prepare a statement following yesterday’s poll across Gaza and the West Bank, which exit polls indicate have given a decisive victory to former Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, Dr Lucas said: "I’ve been enormously impressed by the commitment of Palestinian people to the democratic process."

"Even in spite of all the constraints of voting in a country under military occupation it’s clear that huge numbers of Palestinians have been determined to take part."

In a preliminary statement, a spokesperson for EUEOM described yesterday’s election as "a genuine effort to conduct a regular electoral process despite the difficult and tense conditions". The statement in full.

Speaking unofficially from Jerusalem, Dr Lucas said the election appeared to have been fair but there had been some question marks over freedom of movement during the campaign and on election day in some areas.

Dr Lucas, a member of the European parliament’s permanent delegation to the Palestinian Authority and an outspoken critic of human rights violations in the Middle East, said it appeared that some voters had difficulties crossing checkpoints in Gaza.

Only 6,000 Palestinians living in East Jerusalem were allowed to vote there – under a humiliating postal ballot scheme administered by the Israeli authorities which seemed designed to send the message that East Jerusalem was destined to remain outside Palestinian control, she said.

The remaining 100,000 Palestinians in East Jerusalem were required to leave the city if they wished to vote – many declined to do so, fearing casting a ballot outside the city may affect their future status as East Jerusalem residents.

"The Palestinians have demonstrated their commitment to democracy and this can only be seen as a positive step towards a peaceful solution to the occupation," Dr Lucas concluded.

Reacting to the election of Mahmoud Abbas as President of the Palestinian National Authority, Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni, Co-Presidents of the Greens/EFA Group, said:

"Mahmoud Abbas's election as Palestinian President is an unusual yet very welcome expression of democracy in the Middle East. The fact that he won over 60% of the vote – despite calls from Hamas to boycott the elections – shows that the Palestinian people want to take an active part in democratic life. We should also keep in mind Mustafa Barghouti's strong performance; he repeatedly stressed the need to condemn violence and to implement more democratic reforms, as well as being strongly involved in the fight against corruption. We now expect Mahmoud Abbas to distance himself from the ambiguity that his predecessor Yasser Arafat had towards the use of violence. We also hope that he will be able to guarantee the functioning and democratisation of the Palestinian institutions."

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