Sinds februari al vraagt de EP-commissie Budgetcontrole aan de
Europese Commissie om klaarheid te scheppen in het dossier Eurostat. Vandaag pas reageert de Commissie. Volgende
week nog is er een extra zitting van de EP-commissie Budgetcontrole.
Wrongdoings at Eurostat: Commission's reaction is late
Commenting on the European Commission's actions towards the EU's statistics office - Eurostat - today,
Monica Frassoni MEP, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, said:
"The Commission's reaction to the events at Eurostat is late. The action they have now taken could have
been taken months ago. The Budgetary Control Committee has been urging the Commission to expose what is going on
Eurostat since February at the latest. And the Commission's moves today come mainly as a result of the
committee's tireless questioning.
We are happy to see that the proposals of the Commission made
today go in the right direction."
"We welcome the Budgetary Control Committee's
decision to convene a special meeting next week which will examine the Commission's measures. There are still a
lot of things that we are in dark on - the true motives of those under investigation is only one example."
"The Budgetary Control Committee will continue to exert pressure on the Commission
so that it comes forward with concrete results of its investigation as soon as possible. The Parliament must
force the Commission to introduce the necessary reforms that will ensure there is no repetition of this
scandalous affair."