(08/12/03) Voedselveiligheid en consument gebaat bij feitelijk Europees moratorium op genetisch gemanipuleerde organismen

GM decision a victory for food safety and consumer protection

The Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament today welcomed the decision of an EU regulatory committee to reject the marketing of a type of genetically modified sweetcorn known as Bt11. Only six countries – Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK – were in favour, but as they were in minority the de facto moratorium on new approvals for GM marketing licenses has been maintained.

Monica Frassoni MEP, Co-President of the Green EFA Group, said:
"This decision is a victory for consumer protection and food safety. It is a good thing that this GM sweetcorn – which has been modified to produce its own insecticide and be resistant to a herbicide – will not be allowed into shops in Europe. The public does not want to eat GM food and question marks remain over its safety. There was no toxicological testing for the whole plant, for instance. The safety of Bt11 is based on theoretical argument rather than evidence and the precautionary principle has paid off in this case."

Belgian Ecolo MEP Paul Lannoye said:
"Scientific justifications are only one aspect to consider when taking decisions about GMOs. There are many questions still to be answered on the subject of liability."
German MEP Graefe zu Baringdorf warned the European Commission and Member States in his report on GM co-existence that liability provisions are still insufficient. His report was adopted in the Parliament's Agricultural Committee last week (2 December).

UK MEP Caroline Lucas said:
"Given the overwhelming opposition to GM crops in Britain, it is quite unacceptable that the UK government voted to lift the moratorium. But in the overall decision we have received a boost in our endeavours to put the well being of European citizens before business interests. The Green/EFA Group calls upon the Commission to accept and maintain the moratorium on GMOs."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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