(07/07/05) Veroordeling bomaanslagen Londen

London bomb blasts
Greens/EFA condemn ruthless terrorist attacks

Reacting to the news that explosions on buses and underground trains killed and injured many people in London this morning, Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni, co-presidents of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, issued the following statement:
"We unreservedly condemn the acts of ruthless terrorism that took place in London today. Our sympathies are with the families and friends of the victims. Whatever the motives of the perpetrators, we must be clear that violence offers no solutions."

"Assuming that these attacks were linked to the G8 meeting in Scotland, the timing is particularly cynical. The leaders of the world's richest countries are finally talking about finding ways to improve the lives of some of the poorest people in the world. To send a message that this is in someway wrong, is shocking and obscene."

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


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