(07/06/06) EU-meerjarenbegroting - referenda leren dat Unie moet investeren in mensen, niet in multinationals

Financial perspectives: 'Investment needed to bring Europe to the people'

The Greens in the European Parliament oppose the Luxemburg presidency's latest proposal to cap at 1.06% of EU Gross National Income, member states' contributions to the Union's budget. The Greens will tomorrow vote against proposals contained in a parliamentary report on the seven year 'financial perspectives' spending plan as the rapporteur's proposals also fall short of the Green vision of an ambitious EU budget. Announcing the tabling of an alternative budget proposal, Dutch member of the Parliament's temporary committee on policy challenges and budgetary means of the enlarged Union 2007-2013, Kathalijne Buitenweg, said:

“It is now felt in many countries that Europe must be brought closer to the people. This means investing in areas that affect EU citizens, not multinationals. Exchange programs for students are a good example, and likewise investments in cultural activities. Big ambitions in an enlarged Europe cannot be fulfilled with less money"

"We have to invest more in sustainable development, economic and social cohesion in an enlarging Union and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We also deplore the fact that there the proposals miss the opportunity to radically overhaul traditional agriculture practises and move the EU towards sustainable rural development."

"Promises made about the financing of Natura 2000 were clearly empty. There is no additional financial support planned for this vital environmental project. When you want to bring Europe closer to the people the EU needs to be about more than just agricultural and structural funds."

"The referenda in France and the Netherlands did not demonstrate that people wanted less European cooperation. Many people stated they were pro-European but wanted a different type of Europe. We should not get stuck in a rut. We must, instead, have the courage to stand by our ambitions. Empty promises alienate more voters than honestly working on our shared future.”

GroenDe enige partij die sociaal én milieuvriendelijk is.


De Groenen/EVAGroenen en Europese Vrije Alliantie in het Europees Parlement.


Samen ijveren voor een beter Europa en klimaat?