(04/07/06) Milde verstrenging EU-regels batterijen

Vandaag aanvaardde het EP een compromisvoorstel met de Raad over batterijen en accu's. Het voorstel komt niet te laat. Er is weliswaar een akkoord over het uitdoven van het gebruik van cadmium in batterijen, de uitzondering die hiervoor gemaakt werd voor accu's geeft minder reden tot applaus. Het is anderzijds goed dat er meer objectieve informatie voor de consumenten zal zijn. Dat maakt vergelijken makkelijker.

Tot slot is het jammer dat er geen grotere ambities zijn voor het inzamelen van batterijen. De grens die nu wordt voorgesteld is te laag en ligt bovendien al onder de huidige, feitelijke percentages van sommige lidstaten.

Small steps towards strengthening EU rules on batteries

Following today's formal adoption of the compromise between the European Parliament and the Council on revising the EU directive on batteries and accumulators, Swedish Green MEP Carl Schlyter , Member of the Environment Committee, stated:

"It is not before time that the biggest remaining intentional use of the highly toxic metal cadmium - in rechargeable batteries - is finally being tackled. While the agreement on a general phase-out of cadmium in batteries is to be welcomed, the inclusion of a derogation from the phase-out for the use of cadmium in accumulators for power tools, which accounts for over two-thirds cadmium battery-use, adds a sour note. Thankfully there will be an opportunity to scrap the derogation when it is reviewed in four years time.

"I am very glad that the Green proposal for better consumer information found its way into the final text. With the new capacity labelling, consumers will finally be able to compare different batteries on the basis of objective information. This will allow them to make an informed choice and, as such, hopefully put an end to the wild advertising claims of the industry about the performance of their batteries."

Jill Evans , Plaid Cymru MEP for Wales and Member of the Environment Committee, said:

"It is a major disappointment that Conservative MEPs backtracked on the broad parliamentary coalition for higher collection targets for batteries. This resulted in much more limited targets being ultimately adopted. The EU should not have to sacrifice high standards to accommodate the ineffective waste collection policy in the UK. Adopting ten-year targets for battery collection that several Member States achieve already today reflects a disappointing lack of ambition."

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