(03/12/07) Verkiezingen in Rusland

'We zullen zien wat de verkiezingswaarnemers van de Raad van Europa zondag waarnemen. Maar het feit dat de ervaren langetermijnwaarnemers van de Organisatie voor Veiligheid en Samenwerking in Europa (OVSE) hebben besloten niet naar Rusland te gaan, maakt al veel duidelijk. De geloofwaardigheid van deze verkiezingen is nul', aldus Bart Staes, lid en voormalig voorzitter van de delegatie EU-Rusland van het Europees Parlement.

'Intussen trekken de media de kar van het Kremlin, oppositiepartijen wordt het leven zuur gemaakt en als Garri Kasparov een kleine manifestatie wil houden, reageert de politie meteen met bovenmatig geweld.'

Russian elections
Sham ballot strengthens intertwining of politics and business in Russia

Commenting on the result of the elections in Russia, Bart Staes, member of the EU-Russia delegation of the European Parliament, today said:

"The sham ballot that took place in Russia is clearly not a real election - it has no democratic credibility. While it may have been correct from a technical perspective - although this is disputed - a democratic election is about much more than putting a voting slip in a ballot box. Fair elections involve fair access to the media, no intimidation of opposition parties and no ban of long-term election observers.

"The result of the ballot has strengthened the shadowy intertwining of politics and business in Russia. All the top business leaders of Russian companies are on the list of United Russia. While there may be economic growth in Russia, clearly the general public is not benefiting from this. According to official statistics, one out of three Russians lives below the poverty line.

"Today's Russia is no democracy and the European Union must take a more responsible approach in its relations with the regime. EU negotiations with China deal with important issues like social and working conditions. Trade deals with Russia should be no different. Energy contracts provide the Kremlin with the funds it needs to function. These contracts must include clauses on issues like minimum democratic standards."

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