Belgrade, 6 February 2003
Remarks of Javier SOLANA,
EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security
after US Secretary of State Colin Powell´s report to the UNSC
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, speaking in Belgrade
today made the following remarks after US Secretary of State Colin Powell´s report to the United Nations
Security Council:
"Secretary of State Colin Powell has given a very important report to the
Security Council of the United Nations. Its content and also the way it was presented were very solid.
It has to be taken seriously by everybody. Everybody should reflect after this report.
It is very
clear that the regime in Baghdad is not cooperating with the inspectors. Saddam Hussein is hiding materials
which are dangerous and, therefore, this situation cannot continue.
The chief
inspectors will return to Baghdad on the 8th of February. It is going to be a very important
moment. Saddam Hussein has to know that his behaviour has to change. The report which will be
presented on 14th February by UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix will be very important.
is very short and Saddam has to realise that he has to co-operate fully. The mandate is very clear. He has to
disarm. That is what the international community wants him to do.
The EU countries have a common
position on basic issues: First, the objective is the disarmament of Saddam Hussein of weapons of mass
destruction. Second, the role of the inspectors is crucial and they should be helped, including with
practical means, as it has been offered by the countries of the EU. Third, we want the process to continue
within the Security Council of the UN. That should be the place where the important decisions will have to be