CAROLINE JACKSON - Voorzitter EP-commissie Leefmilieu
Dear Ms Wallström,
I am writing to you concerning the matter that I raised with you the other day, namely the
issue of the candidate countries and the developing environmental acquis. Since the negotiations on the
environment chapter have been provisionally closed with all applicant countries except Bulgaria, Romania and
Turkey, a number of important new measures have been, or are being, adopted at European Union level, of which
the most recent example is the Directive on Electronic Waste. I would greatly appreciate some clarifications as
to how these developments are being taken account of, both by the candidate countries themselves and also by the
Commission in your dealings with them.
On the one side, how closely are the candidate
countries monitoring the adoption of this new legislation and the consequences for their economies? Are they
seeking any new transition periods and, where they are not, how are they planning to ensure that they can meet
their likely forthcoming obligations under the new legislation?
On the other side,
how is the Commission currently drawing these developments, and their likely implications, to the attention of
the candidate countries? Does the Commission teel that some new transition periods will be required and, where
these are not being sought by the candidate countries themselves, does it feel that they are being realistic in
their assessment of their capacity to comply?
I am sure that we all share the
objective of ensuring that enlargement is as successful as possible, both for the candidate countries and for
the European Union as a whole, and I believe that the above questions are important in this context. I would
greatly appreciate, therefore, any guidance that you can give me on them.
Caroline Jackson
WALLSTRÖM - Europees Commissaris voor Leefmilieu
Dear Mrs Jackson,
Thank you for your letter of 24th October 2002 conceming the implications of new
environmental legislation for candidate countries in the run-up to accession.
Firstly, as far as the formal inclusion of new legislation in the accession negotiations is concerned, the
Commission's enlargement strategy paper of 9th October (COM (2002) 700), proposed to set lth November 2002 as
the cut-offdate for the scope of the negotiations for inclusion in the Accession Treaties. The Commission has
asked the candidate countries to transmit by mid November their positions on the 2002 legislation adopted and
published up until 1th November 2002. Already, earlier this year, the Commission transmitted a list of all
legislation adopted in the first six months of 2002 and asked candidate countries to take position. As far as
the environment chapter is concemed, if Commission implementing decisions are excluded, the number of acts
adopted up to 1th November 2002 is limited and includes the following:
- Ozone in the Ambient Air
Directive (2002/3/EC)
- Assessment of Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC)
Regulations on protection of forests against atmospheric pollution (804/2002) and fire (805/2002)
Decision laying down adoption of the Sixth Community Environmental Action Programme (1600/2002/EC)
- Decision on 4th amendment to Montreal Protocol (2002/215/EC)
So far eight
countries (including Bulgaria and Romania) have formally submitted their position on the acquis adopted and
published in the first semester of 2002. No transition periods are being requested but one country (Poland) has
expressed a reservation about the amendment to the Montreal Protocol. The remaining tour countries (Estonia,
Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania) have not yet taken a position.
The procedure to be
followed for legislation adopted after the cut-off date and before accession is also outlined in the strategy
paper. It indicates that the Accession Treaty will include provisions for dealing with this legislation. The
precise details are still being discussed with the Council and are likely to be similar to those followed for
the previous enlargement. The emerging environment legislation, such as the Electronic Waste directive, would,
therefore, most likely be dealt with under these provisions.
You also ask how the
candidate countries are informed of the development in new legislation and whether additional transition periods
are necessary. Early consultation of candidate countries on new proposals has been the practice of DG
Environment for some time now including the invitation to specific consultation meetings, committee meetings and
werking groups in Brussels. Furthermore, as of January 2002, candidate countries are invited as full members to
the Environment Policy Review Group meetings, which brings together Director-Generals for Environment. Amongst
the tasks of this group is early discussion of future environment policy proposals. Once legislative proposals
are discussed in Council and Parliament, the Commission services and Presidency regularly inform the environment
attachés from candidate country missions in Brussels of the progress of the discussions. At some stage, possibly
after the conclusion of the accession negotiations, the provision of information and of the texts of legislative
proposals at all stages of adoption will become a formal requirement, probably on the basis of an agreement with
the candidate countries in the form of an exchange of letters.
After signature of the
Accession Treaties, there will be much greater involvement of the acceding countries in the decision-shaping
process. The different institutions still need to decide on the precise modalities. For its part, the Commission
in the enlargement strategy has indicated that the acceding countries should be able to participate as observers
in all committees set up under the comitology procedure and all other committees.
With regards to possible transition requests for future environmental legislation, so far there have only
been very informal discussions at the technical level. Several countries have indicated that it would probably
be necessary to request transition periods for the forthcoming revised Packaging Waste Directive. As nearly all
the countries have negotiated a transition period for certain aspects of the existing directive, such requests
for the future revision are understandable. Once this directive and others such as the Electronic Waste
Directive have been formally adopted, the Commission, in line with past practice, will organise information
meetings for candidate countries to explain the details and request information on the implementation steps to
be taken in the countries. The Accession Treaty will probably provide a legal basis and a procedure for dealing
with such requests for transition periods.
As you have also seen in the enlargement
strategy, the Commission will continue to monitor closely implementation of the commitments made by the
candidate countries in the accession negotiations leading to a comprehensive Monitoring Report six months before
I hope that this information is helpful. As agreed earlier with you and
the members of the Environment Committee Group on enlargement, DG Environment will continue to send you a
regular update on the progress made in the accession negotiations for environment including the situation for
new legislation.
Yours sincerely
Margot Wallström - (8/12/2002)